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See how Gargle has helped these practices succeed!


Acre Wood Dental

Recognizing the benefits of new patients for sustained practice growth.


Finding Growth Within a Full Schedule

In the early days of Acre Wood Dental, owners Dan Johnson & Dr. Benjamin Johnson were doing anything and everything regarding marketing. Although some of their efforts worked to maintain their patient base, Dan and his brother, Dr. Johnson, weren’t seeing the desired results. They knew there was a missing piece to the marketing puzzle. The missing piece? New patients. Without new patients, momentum and growth became paralyzed, even with a full schedule of returning patients on the books. Acre Wood Dental was doing well with maintaining patients, but they didn’t fully realize the value of new patients and how it would impact their business. That is when they started working with Gargle. Acre Wood Dental knew they needed to be strategic with how they invested their marketing budget. Most marketing companies take your money and leave you high and dry. Acre Wood Dental wanted to ensure they developed a collaborative relationship with Gargle and overcome the “sinking ship” effect that most practices get without prioritizing getting new patients through the door.







“What would you say to a dentist who says they are too busy for new patients?”

“That means they don’t want to grow. Their practice is dying, and they don’t realize it. No business says they don’t want more clients. Dentists need to prioritize new patients to set them up for success in all their business decisions. Having a strategic marketing partner like Gargle is the first step in building a successful practice. Start something today and go all in!”

– Dan Johnson (Acre Wood Dental)


With strategic advice and forecasting from Gargle, Acre Wood Dental’s number one priority became getting as many new patients as possible. New patients create growth and revenue, which is the lifeblood of a practice. However, to see those new patients, dental practices need to spend money on marketing. Through collaboration with Dan, Gargle helped Acre Wood Dental grow from 35 new patients a month to 350, resulting in over a 600% increase in collections.

How did they do it? By adding a marketing strategy that focused on driving new patients to the practice. First, Gargle created a strong foundation within their website. With hundreds of websites built, Gargle knows what patients want to see when they click on a landing page. The web design team created a platform for Acre Wood Dental to connect with patients on an emotional level, using pictures and stories of the team. In addition, the website has strong calls to action and accessible information at the patient’s fingertips.

Once the website was enhanced, the Gargle advertising team wrote and designed Google Ads, social media ads, and SEO keywords to drive as much traffic to the website as possible. Initially, these ads were new patient-focused, but over the years, the Gargle team began targeting high-dollar cases like implants, All-on-5s, and Invisalign. This ensured top-of-mind awareness for new patients and for patients seeking high-quality dental services in Waco. The combination of strategic marketing and a well-trained team drove massive success for Acre Wood Dental. From this, they saw a 600% increase in collections while building brand awareness in Waco, Texas, where they were able to expand from one location to three locations in 4 years. 







From the start, Acre Wood Dental knew that there were only two directions their practice could take: progression or regression. Without new patients fueling the progression of the practice, Acre Wood Dental knew it was only a matter of time before the practice died. Acre Wood Dental’s decision to outsource marketing increased production and brought a collaborative relationship (Gargle) to help them navigate and execute their marketing strategy. 

Now, with multiple practices in central Texas, Acre Wood Dental has experienced the impact of the missing puzzle piece: new patients. Even for doctors who believe they can’t handle more patients, new patients create opportunities for expansion, revenue, and high-dollar procedures. Because Acre Wood Dental took steps to invest in marketing early on, their practice has had a 900% increase in new patients with a 400k+ return on investment each month. Acre Wood Dental continues to collaborate with the Gargle team on targeting the ideal patient with Google ads, SEO, and Social Media Advertising.

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