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Dive Into The 3 Essentials for Dental PPC Ads

Dive Into The 3 Essentials for Dental PPC Ads


Gear up and dive into Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising with us– also known as Google ads! Statistics show that with PPC your visitors are 50% more likely to purchase compared to organic visitors, so you’ll definitely want to know what PPC is all about. We have what you need to get you started. Digital Marketing today encompasses a vast sea of strategy after strategy, making it crucial to know which tactic is optimal for your dental practice. You’ll also want to understand how to utilize your marketing strategy to its utmost potential. Here are the 3 ESSENTIALS FOR DENTAL PPC, Gargle’s team of experts have pooled together for a successful dive into Google’s PPC ocean:


3 essentials to create a successful dental marketing PPC ad to grow your patient pool, find quality patients, drive traffic to your website, and increase brand awareness. Time to take the plunge! Don’t forget your wetsuit, mate.



PPC: Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked.

KEYWORDS: Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your ads can appear.

CTR: Click-Through Rate, a ratio showing how often people who see your ad end up clicking it.

IMPRESSIONS: How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is 

shown on a search result page or other site.

DENTAL SEARCH TERM: What users type into Google when performing a search, specifically related to the dental industry.

LANDING PAGE: Landing page is the webpage where people end up after they click your ad.



Heard of Google Ads? That’s what PPC is! It’s probable you’ve seen the ads that float at the top of a Google search. You could call it a “shortcut” to what you’re searching for. I’m sure you’ve clicked some yourself, which is why businesses will pay to have ads that exist in that position – this PPC. Advertisers will pay a fee to a search engine to display their ad, but only pay when their ad is clicked. Essentially you are buying visits, instead of trying to gain them organically. Placement of your ads is based on your choice of keywords, keyword match types, practices’ ranking, credibility, and more. Which makes it pertinent to work with a Digital Marketing company who understands the ins and outs! Let’s keep diving…


Keywords are the foundation for PPC advertising. They are the words or phrases that describe the product or service you are providing, and will determine when and where your ads are displayed. Using keywords, more specifically dental keywords will give you the best opportunity to gain new quality patients. Understanding how to use those keywords effectively is important to a successful PPC campaign. Keywords need to be relevant to your product or service to target the correct consumers for your business. Here are some terms to familiarize yourself with:

Search Term: What users type into Google when performing a search.

Keyword: A word, or set of words, you add to your Google Ad campaigns that relate to your product.

When creating advertisements you need an idea of what your consumers will be searching for. If you are a toothbrush company, here are some keywords or phrases you might try in your campaign: toothbrush, best toothbrush, affordable toothbrush, etc. Here are more specific options: electric toothbrush near me, toothbrush bamboo handle, purple cheap toothbrush, etc. Choosing words or phrases that are specific to your brand or product options, will target a more direct audience. 

These are just the fundamentals of keywords. The dive will continue, but to preserve the oxygen in your tank we will move on to the next part of our adventure. Take a breath cause we are diving a little deeper…



Stagnant PPC ads are a big NO unless you want your ads to drown – taking your time and money with them. With Google Ads/PPC, the best way to ensure success is to track the trends of each campaign FREQUENTLY. Tracking frequently will help reduce the cost per click while still driving up impressions (the percentage of people who view your ad), because you’ll know which part of your ad is/isn’t working. April Johnson– Gargle’s PPC expert, recommends testing your ads over and over again. You are constantly aiming for more clicks, impressions, and conversions with each new ad. Changing your ad throughout the process to reflect its new data will help it exceed previous statistics, which is what you should be looking for. Management and monitoring is necessary for a successful advertising campaign.

Gargle’s PPC experts are updating clients campaigns regularly, ensuring they are getting the best possible results. Here is an excerpt of updates our PPC management team did to optimize our client’s ad:



Amt. ads running: 28

Cost: $450 Monthly Budget

Campaigns: Dental Implants, Mini Dental Implants


Monthly Summary of Gargle Efforts:

  1. What I did specifically and why: Added a new script and rule for the Google Ad account to pause ads once the monthly budget is reached and to re-enable ads once the new month starts. Added a new goal on Google Analytics for fill conversions. Improved the responsive search ads to have higher ad ranks to increase traffic and conversions.


Optimizing your ad’s data will give you great results. Our client above found huge success with the Gargle PPC management, because our team is consistently checking data and improving them. Make sure to optimize the information your ad is putting out, and you’ll be able to have a successful campaign. There’s a more we need to cover about PPC, so let’s keep diving!



Ad Track-ability is your last stop in our dental marketing essentials dive. How is your dental ad’s track-ability? The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is most commonly tracked in PPC campaigns. The higher your CTR, the better visibility you gain– increasing the amount of people who view your ad. CTR gages how well your keywords and ads are performing. One way to use your CTR and turn it into conversion, is to have a landing page attached to your ad.

Landing pages are crucial to lead conversion, and your metrics! By attaching a landing page you improve your visitor interaction, and your ability to optimize the information received on your page. A landing page is a web page where users are sent after they click your ad. There you have the ability to convert potential customers, be it signing up for a newsletter, registering for a demo, or even buying a product. You’ve already paid for the click, creating the landing page makes it worthwhile.

When creating your landing page make sure you keep it short and to the point, to keep your visitors from leaving. Include a Call to Action (CTA) with links included or a call tracking number. CTA’s could be, “Call us today!” or “Visit our website, click this link!” etc.. some form of action for your consumer to perform to get them closer to a conversion. Design your page to intrigue, and keep your consumers attention. Short, sweet, and make it neat. Looks like we  made it to the deep…



Congratulations, you are quite the diver! But don’t swim back up so soon. The best way to resurface is to combine Gargle’s top 3 ESSENTIALS FOR DENTAL PPC. Understanding and implementing specific and researched keywords, utilizing ad optimization, and creating more opportunities for ad track-ability will give you the best results.

It takes skill, time, research, and a firm comprehension of how to attract consumers using this strategy. We understand there’s much to learn, and not always enough time to do it. So let Gargle’s experts will do all the deep diving for your dental marketing, while you spend more time doing what you do best. Visit our PPC management page and talk to one of our reps to know more! It’s a great day to go for a dive. We’ll be wading… um, I mean waiting for you. See you in the deep!


Originally published in 2022, by Keslie Ta’afua. 
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