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Accelerate Your Dental Marketing With Gargle

accelerate your dental marketing

Do you feel like your dental practice has stalled in terms of growth? Are you unsure of how to take it to the next level and achieve the success you’ve been dreaming of? If your current monthly collections are stagnant and you’re ready to take your practice to the next level, you’re in the right […]

Knowing When Your Dental Marketing Needs a Spring-Clean Versus a Deep-Clean – Part 1

spring clean dental marketing

Spring is in the air, which means it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning! But don’t just limit your spring cleaning to physical spaces—looking at the digital space is also important. Whether you’re a small dental practice just getting off the ground or a large practice with a long-established patient base, you must ensure […]

Crafting the Perfect Dental Ad: 6 Tips for Using Ad Creative & Design

Advertising is a powerful tool for getting your message out there and increasing the visibility of your dental practice. It can help you reach new patients, build brand awareness and loyalty, and promote product or service offerings. But for your dental ads to be successful, they need to be creative and engaging. Here are six […]

5 Tips and Tricks for Running Effective Dental Ad Campaigns

As digital marketing becomes increasingly more complex, managing your Google and social ads is becoming more critical than ever. With the rise in digital ads, it’s essential to know how to manage your dental online ads for maximum efficiency and performance. Whether you’re a small or large practice, understanding the fundamentals and best practices of […]

3 Ways to Score in Q4 – Dental Marketing Playbook

dental marketing, ppc, social ads, mailers

It’s getting down to the wire. The third quarter is here, and you need to score. Here’s the good news, we have the playbook. Dental PPC (Google) Ads, Social Ads, and Mailers (also known as Postcards) are the answer. Implement these three dental marketing plays together this quarter and see significant new patient growth by […]

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